andrew j. hayduke


DR Andrew j. HAYDUKE

Necklift surgery (also known as platysmaplasty or cervicoplasty) is a popular request in Dr. Hayduke’s practice. The neck is one of the first places where we show our age and it is one of the most bothersome areas for most people. It is not unusual for patients to see Dr. Hayduke in consultation and say “I hate my neck”. Loose neck skin, a small “turkey wattle,” vertical banding of the front of the neck and horizontal skin creases all work together to make us look older than we actually feel. A neck lift enhances the appearance of the neck by tightening the skin and underlying muscles and improving the contour of the neck. It is, however, somewhat rare for a patient to have aging changes localized only to the neck region, unless they are relatively young. Necklift surgery is often performed in conjunction with (as part of) a true full facelift, or with a cheek lift (midface lift). Neck lifting may also be done as a stand-alone procedure in some select younger patients. Although a neck lift on its own can cause some improvement in younger patients (mid to late 40’s), many clients who present to the office asking for a “necklift” actually have more advanced aging changes throughout their entire face -such as in their jawline and midface (cheeks). Clients with these more advanced aging changes (50 years old and beyond) would likely have a much better overall balanced result with a true facelift rather than just a localized necklift.

Each patient, however, needs to be carefully evaluated during a private consultation with Dr. Hayduke to determine what is indeed best for their specific wants and needs. All 50 year olds do not look or even age the same. People age at different rates, and that also needs be taken into consideration when creating a proper surgical plan. Facial rejuvenation surgery (facelift, necklift, mini-facelift) are among Dr. Hayduke’s favorite procedures to perform, and the main reason he has an office location in the greater Palm Springs area (retirement community). Dr. Hayduke is affectionately known and called “The Facelift Specialist” by many of his Palm Springs area facial rejuvenation clientele.

necklift ssurgery
Figure 1 Illustration of aging changes both on the outside skin and underneath the skin in deeper facial tissues. Comparison of 35 year old vs. 45 year old vs. 55 year old. Note how the skin and deeper tissues descend downwards throughout the entire face with age, not just in the neck.


  • If you have a small (not large) “turkey wattle” that makes you look much older than your age, but have minimal to no aging changes in your cheeks, midface or jawline
  • If you feel your neck looks too fat but the rest of your face looks fine
  • If you have mild excess skin and wrinkles on your neck that is moderate (not severe) in nature
  • If you are in your 40’s and seem to be aging faster in your neck area compared to your age matched friends